Nuestro trabajo
Esta es tu página de proyecto. Es una gran oportunidad para ayudar a los visitantes a comprender el contexto y los antecedentes de su último trabajo. Haga doble clic en el cuadro de texto para comenzar a editar su contenido y asegúrese de agregar todos los detalles relevantes que desea compartir.

Check the weather forecast and water conditions before you go. Cold water can be dangerous, even on warm days. Learning to swim is the #1 recommendation for water safety.

Plan And Prepare
Life jackets save lives—bring one if they won’t be readily available. Lifeguards may not be present, know if they're on duty. Bring essential gear for boats or vessels like navigational devices and paddle floats.

Build A Safe And Inclusive Outdoors
People have different comfort levels with water. We can be safer together. When recreating with young children or in groups, designate a water watcher.

Learn How to Respond
If someone else is in trouble, call 911 and get help. Don’t go in the water to help. To assist others: Reach, Throw, Don’t Go. If you are in trouble: Flip, Float, Relax.

Respect Water
Water can be powerful. Always tell someone your plan when headed out solo. Obey posted safety signs. Learn to read water conditions and remain alert.

Make it Better
All water sources are connected, and are home to fish and other life. Help protect our waters by leaving your environment cleaner than you found it.
Water is Life.
Access the full Water Safety Edition communications toolkit in English and Spanish.
Understanding outdoor water safety...
Does the activity take place in, on or around water?
when “in” water
(intentional swimmers)
swimming, paddleboarding, rope-swings etc.
when “on” water
(potential swimmers)
rafting, kayaking, human & motor-powered boating/fishing
when “around” water
(un-intentional swimmers)
Shoreline and other activities near water: hiking, climbing, picnicking

Check out these resources to help keep ourselves, others, and our waters safe!
Learning to swim is the #1 water safety recommendation
Outdoor Afro's Swimmership applications are open till May 15th
Learn about TankProof's mission of helping everyone swim
Whitewater can be the most unpredictable and yet most heavily utilized waters
Check out these safety and #RecreateResponsibly resources from American Whitewater

For Resource Managers
INWater Safety USA www.watersafetyusa.org/nwsap.html NOAA Nine Dangers at the Beach Cold Water Hazards and Safety (NOAA NWS) beach and boating safety How to Avoid Getting Caught in a Rip Current (NOAA NWS) beach safety Beach Safety (NOAA NWS) beach safety Boating Safety Tips and Resources (NOAA NWS) recreational boating safety USFS Water Safety | US Forest Service (usda.gov) Cold Water Bootcamp http://www.coldwaterbootcamp.com/pages/home.html
ONBoat Beat https://boatbeat.org/ National Safe Boating Council National Safe Boating Council www.GetConnectedBoating.org www.ibwss.org www.safeboatingcouncil.org/resources/ Sea Tow Foundation www.boatingsafety.com www.boatingsafety.com/page/life-jacket-loaner-program (NASBLA) www.nasbla.org www.nasbla.org/about-nasbla/boating-contacts www.nasbla.org/nasbla-resources/visual-data U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Accident Statistic National Life Jacket Wear Rate Observational Study
AROUND(CDC) WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) US Power Squadrons (America’s Boating Club) Boating Skills Virtual Trainer U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) https://uscgboating.org/content/multimedia.php National Drowning Prevention Alliance National Water Safety Conference BoatUS Foundation BoatUS Foundation Media Kit (widencollective.com) River Management Society Safety Signage (river-management.org) American Whitewater Signage Toolbox for River Managers

For Program Operators
INWater Safety USA www.watersafetyusa.org/nwsap.html NOAA Nine Dangers at the Beach Cold Water Hazards and Safety (NOAA NWS) beach and boating safety How to Avoid Getting Caught in a Rip Current (NOAA NWS) beach safety Beach Safety (NOAA NWS) beach safety Boating Safety Tips and Resources (NOAA NWS) recreational boating safety USFS Water Safety | US Forest Service (usda.gov) Cold Water Bootcamp http://www.coldwaterbootcamp.com/pages/home.html
ONBoat Beat https://boatbeat.org/ National Safe Boating Council National Safe Boating Council www.GetConnectedBoating.org www.ibwss.org www.safeboatingcouncil.org/resources/ Sea Tow Foundation www.boatingsafety.com www.boatingsafety.com/page/life-jacket-loaner-program (NASBLA) www.nasbla.org www.nasbla.org/about-nasbla/boating-contacts www.nasbla.org/nasbla-resources/visual-data U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Accident Statistic National Life Jacket Wear Rate Observational Study
AROUND(CDC) WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) US Power Squadrons (America’s Boating Club) Boating Skills Virtual Trainer U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) https://uscgboating.org/content/multimedia.php National Drowning Prevention Alliance National Water Safety Conference BoatUS Foundation BoatUS Foundation Media Kit (widencollective.com) River Management Society Safety Signage (river-management.org) American Whitewater Signage Toolbox for River Managers

For Recreators
INWater Safety USA www.watersafetyusa.org/nwsap.html NOAA Nine Dangers at the Beach Cold Water Hazards and Safety (NOAA NWS) beach and boating safety How to Avoid Getting Caught in a Rip Current (NOAA NWS) beach safety Beach Safety (NOAA NWS) beach safety Boating Safety Tips and Resources (NOAA NWS) recreational boating safety USFS Water Safety | US Forest Service (usda.gov) Cold Water Bootcamp http://www.coldwaterbootcamp.com/pages/home.html
ONBoat Beat https://boatbeat.org/ National Safe Boating Council National Safe Boating Council www.GetConnectedBoating.org www.ibwss.org www.safeboatingcouncil.org/resources/ Sea Tow Foundation www.boatingsafety.com www.boatingsafety.com/page/life-jacket-loaner-program (NASBLA) www.nasbla.org www.nasbla.org/about-nasbla/boating-contacts www.nasbla.org/nasbla-resources/visual-data U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Accident Statistic National Life Jacket Wear Rate Observational Study
AROUND(CDC) WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) US Power Squadrons (America’s Boating Club) Boating Skills Virtual Trainer U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) https://uscgboating.org/content/multimedia.php National Drowning Prevention Alliance National Water Safety Conference BoatUS Foundation BoatUS Foundation Media Kit (widencollective.com) River Management Society Safety Signage (river-management.org) American Whitewater Signage Toolbox for River Managers
For Community Centers or Retailers:
Get a Recreate Responsibly Water Edition Poster or rack cards to share with your audiences.
And this recent Open Space Radio Podcast:

If you'd like to see your water-safety resource(s) listed here reach out below.