GOES unlocks wilderness medicine to empower you to navigate the outdoors safely
The Recreate Responsibly Coalition is partnering with GOES because we believe that people recreating outside deserve to have access to health and safety resources wherever they are and when it matters most. GOES delivers relevant and validated information backed by wilderness medicine doctors to provide you with the resources, tools, and support you need to adventure safely, confidently, and with peace of mind. With an expansive library of knowledge, location-based health risks, and self-guided protocols, GOES enables you to make informed decisions - even when you’re off grid.
Download now, and try the GOES App for a month on the Recreate Responsibly Coalition. When you upgrade to a year subscription, proceeds from your purchase will support the work of the coalition so that we can all continue to care for ourselves, one another, and the places we play!

Voucher code: RRGOES


GOES Health is a Supporting Member of the Recreate Responsibly Coalition. Supporting memberships along with donations and in-kind support is what keeps the work of the coalition alive. Apply for supporting membership in order to:
collaborate to care for one another and the places we play
connect with thousands of organizations, land & water managers and businesses
gain access to communications' toolkits and coalition convenings
Or consider joining at any level to meet responsible recreation whereever you're at.